143 Monty Roberts on Whips in Racing by Omega Fields
Recent suggestions for rule changes by the US Jockey Club to the US Racing Industry caused us to ask Monty Roberts, long time advocate of whipless racing, to tell us what he thinks the chances are that the industry will listen. Will all 38 states come on board with the public sentiment and the Jockey Club recommendations or will there be a modified response by the racetracks? Listen in…
Horsemanship Radio Guests and Links Episode
- Link to Sound File for Sight Impaired: Click Here
- Show Host: Debbie Loucks
- Title Sponsor: Omega Fields
- Guest: Monty Roberts
- Support for this episode also provided by: Monty Roberts EQUUS Online University, Cavallo Horse and Rider
- Monty’s Calendar
- Training Tip from Ask Monty read by Jamie Jennings of the Horses in the Morning Radio Show
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