269 Internship at the Monty Roberts Intl Learning Center, by HandsOnGloves
Monty Roberts’ Mustang and Transition Horse Program is an ongoing educational effort to re-train horses for adoption to a a new career and forever home. Internships in this program at Monty’s farm also provides opportunities to invite people from all over the world to take these concepts back to their horses and regions. In this episode we hear from Fayth (Canada) and Mirna (Croatia). Listen in…
Horsemanship Radio 269:
- Show Host: Debbie Loucks
- Title Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGloves
- Guest: Monty Roberts
- Monty Roberts’ Mustang & Transition Horse Program
- Support for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online University
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